Getgfftool com | How to get Diamond Free Fire (Free) from getgfftool. com Free Fire - Hello friends, the emergence of generators in 2020 is quite a lot, had disappeared mid-2019 until the end of the year.  Beginning in 2020 its appearance again stole the attention of players who were looking for free diamonds, as we will discuss Getgfftool com.

Getgfftool com |  How to get Diamond Free Fire (Free) from getgfftool.  com

Previously the generator that had been viral at the end of February until the beginning of March was free fire, and there were some that had gone up you could look for it in the Free Fire category.  However, we warn that diamond-producing generators are at risk of banning your account.  If you want to use any generator, don't use the main account, you should create a new account.
In the middle of March 2020, a generator called Getgfftool com reappeared, which claimed to be able to produce a maximum of 750,000 Diamonds and 750,000 Coins.  But at this time we have not received any information on whether a player has managed to get diamonds from the Getgfftool com generator.

We will give you step-by-step instructions on how to get free Diamonds and coins from FF free fire.  The following steps are explained.

How to get Diamond Free Fire (Free) from getgfftool com

1. First make sure your internet connection is running well, so as not to inhibit the process of getting diamonds

2. Enter the browser visit the address

3. Fill in your username with your new Ff account, tap next

Getgfftool com |  How to get Diamond Free Fire (Free) from getgfftool.  com

4. Select the platform to use, tap next

Getgfftool com |  How to get Diamond Free Fire (Free) from getgfftool.  com

5. Choose the coins you want, the smallest 450,000 is the biggest 750,000

Getgfftool com |  How to get Diamond Free Fire (Free) from getgfftool.  com

6. Choose the Diamond you want, the smallest is 450,000 diamonds and the biggest is 750,000 Diamonds

Getgfftool com |  How to get Diamond Free Fire (Free) from getgfftool.  com

7. Wait until the process is complete

8. You are asked to install 2 applications

9. Follow the next command until it's finished
Thus the explanation of How to Get Diamond Free Fire (Free) from getgfftool com, don't forget to enter this generator, don't use the main account, use a new account.  Thank you